Thursday, February 4, 2010

Missing Mess

Here is a subtraction problem that was partially erased.

1. Can you fill in a possible set of missing digits?
(The missing digits need not be the same as one another.)

2. How many possible answers are there? What are they?

3. How do you know you found all the possible answers?

Nice job on your solutions!  Here are some visuals that some of you did.


Anonymous said...


The problem I chose was

There is the problem I chose, 83-27=56. 82-27=55. 81-27=54. 80-27=53. 84-27=57. 85-27=58. 86-27=59.

To subtract something from 80-89 and make it any number from between 50-59, anything within that range will work for this equation.

Anonymous said...

1. The possible sets of digits are: 80 – 27 = 53, 81 – 27 = 54, 82 – 27 = 55, 83 – 27 = 56, 84 – 27 = 57, 85 – 27 = 58, and 86 – 27 = 59.

2. There are seven possible answers to this question and I’ve stated them in question 1.

3. I know I’ve found all the possible answers because I’ve looked for every possible way to minus something from the 80-89 range to make it equal to the 50-59 range.

Anonymous said...

1. All possible set of digits of would be 80 – 27 = 53, 81 – 27 =54, 82 – 27 = 55, 83 – 27 =56, 84-27= 57, 85—27=58 and 86-27=59.
2. there are 7 possibilities. And they are all on number 1
3. I know I did all the ways because I looked for every posibiliy to minus it. I got the range from 80-89 and have it be equal to 50-59

Anonymous said...

• There are 10 possible answers:

1. 80-27=53
2. 81-27=54
3. 82-27=55
4. 83-27=56
5. 84-27=57
6. 85-27= 58
7. 87-27=59
8. 89–37=52
9. 88-37=51
10. 87-37=50

• I know I found all the possible answers because I knew that the first number must being with an eight, so I found 10 different answers in which the beginning number was an eight (80-89). In these answers I only had the second number ending in 7 (27 and 37) and I came up with a product beginning in a 5 (50-59)

Anonymous said...


1. One set of numbers could be 80-27=53.

2. There are ten possible answers and they are:

1. 80-27=53
2. 81-27=54
3. 82-27=55
4. 83-27=56
5. 84-27=57
6. 85-27=58
7. 86-27=59
8. 87-37=50
9. 88-37=51
10. 89-37=52

3. I knew that I found all the possible answers because if I did anything over 89 or under 80 then it wouldn’t work. If I did anything over 59 or under 50 for the answer then that wouldn’t work either.

Anonymous said...


1. A possible answer could be 86-27=59.
2. There are 11 possible answers. They are:

1. 80-27=53
2. 81-27=54
3. 82-27=55
4. 83-27=56
5. 84-27=57
6. 85-27=58
7. 86-27=59
8. 87-37=50
9. 88-37=51
10. 89-37=52

3. I know I found all the possible answers because the difference of the problem could only be from 50-59, otherwise all the other answers would be different.

Anonymous said...


1. Can you fill in a possible set of missing digits?
(The missing digits need not be the same as one another.)
First #= 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89
Second #= 27, 37
Third #=50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59

2. How many possible answers are there? What are they?
There are 10 possible answers and they are 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

3. How do you know you found all the possible answers?
I know I found all the possible answers because I plugged each number into the equation and found the outcomes.

juliesgotmail said...

Missing Mess: SV
# 2
3 – Don’t borrow from 8

2x10= 20

Anonymous said...


1. Can you fill in a possible set of missing digits?
(The missing digits need not be the same as one another.)

First= 80,81,82,83,84,85,86, 87, 88, 89, Second =37, 27 Third = 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59

2. How many possible answers are there? What are they?

10, because I tried to plug in all possible answers they are 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59

3. How do you know you found all the possible answers?

I plugged in all the possible ways to get them.

Anonymous said...


First number:80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89
Second number: 07,17,27,37,47,57,67,77,87,97
Answer: 51,52,53,54,54,56,57,58,59

Possible answers:
80-07=73 doesn’t work
80-17=63 doesn’t work
80-27=53 does work
81-27=54 does work
82-27=55 does work
83-27=56 does work
87-37=50 does work
There is only going to be one answer for each first number.
Possibilities: there are 10 possible answers.
I know I got all the answers because I used all the possible numbers for the problem for the first number it can only be 8 and another number there are only 10 other numbers there fore I used all the possible answers for the first number I did the same for the second and third missing numbers.

Anonymous said...

All Possible numbers:
First Number: 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89
Second Number: 07, 17, 27, 37, 47, 57, 67, 77, 87, 97
Answer: 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, and 59

Problem Possibilities:
• 87- 37 = 50
• 88- 37= 51
• 89- 37= 52
• 80- 27= 53
• 81- 27= 54
• 82- 27= 55
• 83- 27= 56
• 84- 27= 57
• 85- 27= 58
• 86- 27= 59

1. Can you fill in a possible set of missing digits?
(The missing digits need not be the same as one another.)

2. How many possible answers are there? What are they?

There are ten possible answers because the tens digit in the 1st number and final answer are already filled in. The possible answers are 87-37= 50, 88-37=51, 89- 37= 52, 80- 27= 53, 81- 27= 54, 82- 27= 55, 83- 27= 56, 84- 27= 57, 85- 27= 58, 86- 27= 59

3. How do you know you found all the possible answers?

You know you have found all possible answers when for the 1st number you have used 80-89 and the final answer 50-59.