Thursday, February 18, 2010

What do you Mean?

The table below shows the number of customers at Malcolm's Bike Shop for 5 days, as well as the mean (average) and the median number of customers for these 5 days.

Which statistic, the mean or the median, best represents the typical number of customers at Malcolm's Bike Shop for these 5 days?

Explain your reasoning using feaatures and facts from the data.

Solution:  The median is the best measure.  The mean is effected by the lack of shoppers on day four.


Anonymous said...

the best way to describe the number of customers is to find out the median which is 90 because it right in the middle and its close to both side of the number of customers.

Anonymous said...


I think the mean is the best way to represent the data because it shows the average number of customers a day and what you can kind of expect for people to come to the shop. The median only shows the middle data and not everything.

Anonymous said...

the mean would be better because it tells the average amount of customers per day


Anonymous said...

I think that the average would best represent the data because it shows about how many people go a day while the median doesn't really tell you anything

Anonymous said...


The mean best describes the typical number of customers that visited Malcolm’s bike shop because the mean is the average, and the median is just the middle of the data and isn’t useful to you at all for this question, if you round the mean it would be 76 people, which means 76 people visit his shop a day. Mean is the amount of people added up that visited divided by the amount of days. You would want to know the average instead of the median because the median may be helpful if you’re making a graph but the average is more helpful in a real life situation because, you know how popular that shop is, and whether a lot of people go there, whether the store is of high demand or not.

Anonymous said...

The mean is the best representation.. the reason it is 75 is because on day 4 the shop was unlucky because they had a slow day and only got 10 cutomers but the rest of the week they were in th upper 80’s to 100.

Anonymous said...

i think the mean would be better because it shows the average amount while in the median people could have been busy or something and not have come to the shop that day.

Anonymous said...

A.L. questions(biking)

The mean best represents the data because the median only represents the middle number of the data. The mean also best represents the data because it tells you the average amount of customers he gets in his store a week.

Anonymous said...

The median best represents that data because most of the data falls between 90 and 100. 10 is an extreme outlier and has an affect on the data tremendously for the mean. The median is 90 which is right among the numbers.

Anonymous said...

The median would best represent the information in the table because most are the numbers are at about 90, with only one number being the exemption. When you look at the mean it includes the ten and makes the average look smaller then it really is.

Anonymous said...

For this particular set of data I believe that the median is the best statistic to use because the majority data (100, 87, 90, 10, 91) is closer to the median (90) then the mean (75.9)